Local Offer – How Can The Local Offer Help?
We can help you find services for children and young people with SEND up to the age of 25. You can start finding services by searching on this website.
In addition to helping you find services, the Local Offer:
- Helps you understand what schools and service providers are required to do for SEND children and young people
- Helps the parents and carers of young people with SEND find support for themselves
- Clarifies who is responsible for services for SEND children and young people
- Gives you the information you need to ensure your SEND child can thrive
Click here https://mychoice.leicester.gov.uk
The school aims to work in partnership with other agencies in order to provide an integrated support based on the needs of the scholar. The main external support agencies used by Castle Mead include (this is not an exhaustive list):
- The Educational Psychologist
- The Child and Mental Health Services (CAMHS) support
- Learning, Communication and Interaction Team (LCI)
- Children’s Hospital School
- The School Nurse
- The Educational Welfare Officer
- Speech and Language Service
- Occupational Therapy
- School counsellor
If you have any queries regarding Special Educational Needs & Disabilities, please speak to our SENDCO,
Please see the below useful information sites and leaflets:
- LCC – My Choice Website https://mychoice.leicester.gov.uk